Thursday, 31 December 2015

नया साल मुबारक – Latest Shayri

एक और ईंट गिर गई दीवार-ए-जिंदगी से:
नादान कह रहे हैं, नया साल मुबारक हो..!!

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कितनी बुरी लगती है ज़िंदगी – Latest Shayri

कितनी बुरी लगती है ज़िंदगी जब हम तनहा महसूस करते है,
मरने के बाद मिलते है चार कंधे और जीते-जी किसी एक के लिए तरसते है!

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5 Good Reasons Why You Should Wait Until You’re 30 To Get Married

I’m not entirely convinced there is a reason to ever get married. But if you’re going to take the plunge, do it when you’re past your 20s. Very few marriages between two 20-somethings succeed for good reason.

Sure, you may be an outlier, but why take the risk? I’m convinced that the majority – or nearly the majority – of failed marriages would have been successful if the once-happy couple would have waited a few years before saying their vows.

Need a reason not to get married in your 20s? Here are five of them:

1. You Barely Know Yourself

Whether people do or don’t change is up for debate. What’s not up for debate is the fact that very few people know themselves well enough in their 20s; most will only truly get to know their most basic, intrinsic tendencies when they are older. So, in a sense, people do change; they change from being clueless to understanding themselves better.

However, understanding yourself better does reflect outwards. When you understand yourself better, you act differently; you act accordingly to all that you know about yourself. Once you know what you do like, what you don’t like, what bothers you and what you can actually deal with, you think differently and, therefore, act differently. The same goes for your partner.

He or she won’t be the same person in 10 years. Individuals are still in their developmental stages throughout their 20s and into their 30s. Getting married when you’re in these age brackets is simply much, much riskier. You may not like the person you’re married to only a decade later. You may not even be compatible.

2. You’re Most Likely Not Financially Stable

Some of us are lucky enough to either make it big early on or inherit financial stability by default. Most of us, however, aren’t financially stable. Most of us can’t afford a decent level of comfort. This may seem insignificant when you are blinded by love, but overtime, financial instability will wear down you and your lover. You’ll want things. He or she will want things.

You won’t be able to afford both and arguments will ensue. This isn’t even taking into consideration the children you may end up having in your 20s. Kids are very, very expensive. Any idea how much diapers cost? You’d think that getting married and having two incomes would make things easier, and it may for a while. But with marriage comes stress and without some extra cash to throw into the face of stress, your marriage is likely to blow up in your face.

3. You May Very Well Feel Like You Haven’t Experienced Enough

Our 20s are meant for enjoyment and exploration. You’re at your sexual peak. You’re young enough to make mistakes and easily recover from them. You’re young enough to get your heart broken a time or two. You’re young enough to do so many things you will be too old to do in a very short period of time. You may not even think you want or need this freedom, but once you get married, that is likely to change quickly.

If you haven’t experimented enough when you’re in your 20s, you’ll most likely want to experiment in your 30s or 40s. But you’ll be married. Logically, love should take precedence above all else… but since when are we completely logical? And who in the hell ever said marriage was logical to begin with?

4. Marriage Is Forever; What’s The Rush?

This is what always gets me. What’s the point of getting married? Other than to save money on your taxes, of course. Most people will give “stability” and “assurance” as an answer. Well, if your relationship isn’t stable before you get married, and you aren’t sure that your lover will just run off at any moment, then what makes you think that will change once you say “I do”?

In fact, if your relationship isn’t stable now, it will certainly only get worse once you’re married. Marriage makes people feel trapped – because, by definition, it is forever – until death do us part. Why get married sooner rather than later? If you’re worried your partner won’t be around later, then definitely don’t get married; you’ll save yourself a whole lot of trouble by not having to go through a divorce. Not to mention money. Lawyers are expensive.

5. Succeeding Does Get Harder With Age

We all have goals and dreams, all of which become less likely to be achieved with age. Of course, some goals do take decades to achieve, but some of our dreams can be realized right away, yet we choose to delay them. Marriage makes bringing these dreams to fruition much less likely. You get caught up in it all and lose focus. If your dream requires a lot of focus then going solo for longer will be more beneficial.

This doesn’t mean that you necessarily should avoid dating altogether, but marriage brings on a whole different set of problems and level of stress. If you love your partner and want to be with him or her, then you have to continue following your dreams. You can make a relationship work, but keeping that sense of freedom is key. We all want to feel free, even if it’s only an illusion.

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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

ख्वाहिश तो थी – Latest Shayri

ख्वाहिश तो थी मिलने की… पर कभी कोशिश नही की..
सोचा की जब खुदा माना है उसको तो बिना देखेगे ही पूजेंगे !!

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How To Navigate The Potentially Awkward Aftermath Of Sex

Sex. The word alone emits passion, intimacy, romanticism and an overpowering sensation. But mostly, it’s full of just plain ‘ole awkwardness.

It has occurred to me that although sex is one of the most natural acts of the human species — or any species really — the aftermath doesn’t seem very natural. At all. If you’re in a serious relationship, we get it; you bang for 10 minutes (if that) and go straight to sleep afterward. You don’t fall in this category.

I’m advocating for the lonely-souled individuals trying to find that happy medium with someone they’re either casually dating or seeing (and thrusting). Some necessary points:

1. The No Call Or Text Situation

Not communicating afterward, even if just as friends (who happened to bang), makes sh*t unbearably awkward. As a result, one of the two of you is likely to feel like a bad bang, which leads to self-doubt and it inevitably becomes too much of a hassle to handle and the relationship ends.

Set yourself a reminder if you must to just shoot your bang-pal a text. It doesn’t matter what you say, an icebreaker or any sort is fine. But don’t say something like “So, that was amazing. Let’s do it again soon” because you’ll sound like a total amateur and will give the other person way too much credit, which will likely make the next time dreadful. And once you do communicate don’t psycho-analyze every subsequent gesture like “did she say hey instead of hi, because you know that means she’s a lesbian right?” or “I texted him 3 hours ago, and still no response. I knew I should have gone down on him.”

You don’t have to communicate right after sex, but sometime shortly after is best, like two days max. Things shall progress as they will.

2. The Cuddle

Guys, we ladies know that we have our own issues — some of us require tons of attention and validation. Don’t make things harder on yourselves or us. Just spoon or lie there (like a corpse, if you need to) with us for a few minutes after sex and you’re more likely to secure a subsequent bang. Even if cuddling after sex isn’t your style, it makes women feel a little less used and more desired.

3. The “Emotional Drag”

Sex doesn’t necessarily mean you both will fall in love, get married, have children and die in each others arms in a retirement facility. Sex is sometimes just that, sex.

Don’t get me wrong, if you’re anything like me, there must be some amount of feeling and intellectual luring for me to even lay my lips on you, let alone bang. But it doesn’t mean that if we do end up banging, you have any jurisdiction or say over me, as I don’t over you.

If you have a serious conversation with your partner about taking things to the next level, you will then have some say regarding one another’s lives. Up until that moment though, if your partner isn’t your significant other, he or she owes you nothing — not an immediate text response, an explanation about where he or she is, soup when you’re sick — n o t h i n g. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to treat each other poorly — especially if you are friends first and foremost (as in above being friends with benefits).

Friendship and romance aren’t so different if you think about it. They’re both variations of the desire to be close. But, it’s important to still uphold emotional stability and acknowledge that sex isn’t always a gateway to love.


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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

ना करो तकरार – Latest Shayri

ना करो तकरार मुझे तुम्हारा ही ख्याल है
फिर बात से बात निकलेगी और तुम रूठ जाओगे !

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Monday, 28 December 2015

It Is What It Is: Don’t Look For Meaning In Meaningless Sex

Everyone wants his or her first time to be meaningful. Whether it is with someone you know you’ll be able to trust like a good friend, or a long-time love, it should be special. If that one first time is enjoyable and doesn’t scar you for life, you start to want it more. You soon start wanting to have sex five times a day, in all kinds of crazy places. Countertops, washing machines, closets, pool tables, you name it, you can get laid on it.

We have all been through that slutty phase when it seems like we just can’t get enough. For me, this phase occurred during my freshman year in college. It was a wild time in my life, but hey, I know I wasn’t the only one who went through this, so don’t judge. Once we embrace the fact that it feels good and is a normal, important part of life, we begin to feel empowered and gain the ability to have mind-blowing orgasms.

Most people have a very negative view of the word “slut” and want to avoid being labeled this at all costs. As we get older and the amount of people we have slept with grows, many times the emotional disconnect between our partners and ourselves grows as well.  By the time we are in our early to mid twenties, most of us have had at least a few partners and wonder if we have become the “sluts” that we were always warned about.

Sex is one of the most powerful human acts. It can feel beautiful and real, while other times it can feel forced, misguided and disappointing.

When sex is bad, it’s really bad. It’s hard to understand why we try to guard our emotions and force ourselves not to get attached after sleeping with someone. Attachment is a natural part of life. The feelings that start to build up after sex encourage us to believe that there is potential for a long-term relationship to develop that might not actually be there. While humans try to mentally and emotionally detach themselves from their sexual partners, it is close to being biologically impossible to completely disregard any emotional connection that may be developed during sex.

The whole concept of having sex just for the fun of it is a way more tiring process than it is made out to be. After it’s been done, we constantly try to analyze our partners every move. We try to rationalize why that person never called us back. Was it that bad? Why am I the one waiting on the call? Something that was supposed to be fun and carefree leaves us struggling with confusion and unanswered questions.

Anyone who has ever dealt with this post sex stress needs to realize that this drama occurs because our partners are not satisfying our emotional needs. We have grown so accustomed to having a relationship grow deeper right after having sex or, at least that’s what we hope may happen, that we forget to focus more on the emotional component of sex rather than the physical. Sex is easy.

Anyone can take off their clothes and do it, but it takes a lot of courage to let them see you for who you really are. I believe that it is important to connect with someone before having sex. We shouldn’t have sex for fun and then hope something will come out of it. Try doing this and you will soon realize that if you wait for the right person to turn you on both physically and mentally, the sex will be worth the wait.

As opposed to my sexual experimental phase during my freshman year, I now view sex completely differently through my more mature, college senior eyes. Having sex is now the last thing on my mind. I have even been through a seven-month strike of not having sex. This was not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t feel any desire to have sex with someone whom I didn’t have an intimate emotional connection with.

Once you wait for the right person, someone who is able to fulfill your emotional needs, and not just physical needs, then the post-sex emotional void you had felt in the past will not return to haunt you. The coveted sense of love and attachment will finally exist, and it will mean so much more than just hooking up with that guy you brought home from that party. After securing emotional intimacy with your partner, the sex will likely be way hotter and you will actually get turned on.

Don’t settle for less than you deserve. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have any fun playing the field and constantly be on the lookout for your future spouse, but just realize that after those late night booty calls you will just go home feeling more alone than you ever had before. Remember, good things come to those who wait.

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ये बताओ – Latest Shayri

ये बताओ कैसे उठाते है जनाज़ा उनका
जो ख्वाब दिल में ही मर जाते है

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7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

It is true that all women want to be in the best of their shape, and they put a lot of efforts in an attempt to attain it. Women do not really mind spending hours in doing various exercises such as, jogging, running on the treadmill, and what not. But, how many of you know that there are some mistakes that can hamper the progress of your workout sessions? Perhaps a very few of you. Well, it is very important for you to get your basics right when it comes to exercising. Wrong method will do more harm than good. And not only exercise, even the clothes, which you wear for exercise, should be right for proper workout.

Well, for all those lovely ladies who are hitting the floor every day for a workout session, here are some possible mistakes you might be making while exercising:

1. Wearing cotton

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

Cotton is undoubtedly very comfortable, but wearing your favourite cotton T-shirt while working out is not a very good option. This is because, cotton does not dry up easily once it absorbs sweat. As a result, it can cause irritation when rubbed continuously against your skin. Also, when you cool down, a damp cotton T-shirt can give you chills. So, better leave your cotton T-shirts at home, and wear only the ones made of moisture wicking fabrics.

2. Not wearing sports bra

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

You should never think of doing any exercise without wearing a sports bra. Breasts are made of mammary glands and fatty tissues, and working out without wearing an appropriate sports bra can lead to serious breast damage. It puts undue strain on the breast tissue, leading to pain and even premature sagging. Therefore, always wear a comfortable and right fit sports bra for exercise.

3. Wearing inappropriate tank tops

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

Tank tops are a perfect choice for exercise. They are comfortable and well-fitted. But, things can go wrong with a misfit tank top, especially when you have to bend for some exercise. So, while buying a tank top, do check its fitting properly from all the angles, so as to avoid an embarrassing moment during the training session.

4. Running at the same pace

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

Another big mistake which many women tend to make is that they stick to the same pace while running on the treadmill. Well, doing so for a long time will bear no result. Therefore, it is suggested to speed up a little in between. Switch to high-intensity mode for few minutes, and then go back to your regular pace. This way, your body’s ability to burn fat and build lean muscles will improve.

5. No weight training

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

Many women refrain from lifting weights because of the fear of bulking up and losing their feminine look. However, you need to understand that since women’s body does not produce testosterone (which is responsible mainly for increasing muscle mass), lifting some weights would not make you look bulky. So, it is the time to throw this misconception out of the window. In fact, the truth is that weight lifting will help you burn calories much faster than cardio. It is even beneficial for the health of your bones. So, when you hit the gym next time, don’t be afraid of picking up that set of dumbbells.

6. Not warming up

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

Stretching and warming up are as important as exercising. Although, these are not the adrenaline pumping parts of your workout, but they prevent injuries, and make your muscles longer and leaner. So, always warm up and stretch out before you start with your regular exercise routine. Doing it for about five minutes will also increase your capability of exercising rigorously.

7. Working out empty stomach

7 Biggest Exercise Mistakes That All Women Must Know

Many women think that working out on empty stomach will get them into shape faster. But that is a fallacy. Performing without any source of energy can be dangerous to your health. So, eat some fruits or a healthy snack, an hour before you start the exercise. Always keep water handy, and drink it before, in between, and after your workout, to keep yourself hydrated and to flush out toxins.

Being in best shape is every woman’s dream. While working hard for this dream is good, but working without any knowledge can certainly be bad. Now as you know what all mistakes you could be making while going through rigorous training, just avoid them to get a perfect body in the safest way.

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काश ऐसा कोई – Latest Shayri

काश ऐसा कोई कमाल हो जाए
कमबख्त इश्क़ का इंतकाल हो जाये।

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Saturday, 26 December 2015

Why You Should Never Trust Promises Made In Bed

Love. Adoration. Lust. Attraction. One never actually knows what is going on between the sheets and under the haze of possible true love. It’s a jumble of feelings, emotions and whatever else comes with sex. It’s raw, animalistic and transcending moments that transform even the most rigid of people into warm lovers.

It’s hard to gauge what happens in those hours curled up in each other. In your most exposed moments, what’s real and what’s just an illusion is as hard to grasp as the thick air around you. The declarations of love, secrets and the inevitable promises start slowly wavering in validity in the sobering hours of your separation.

“I will love you forever.” “I want you to meet my parents.” “Let’s be together forever.”

It’s everything you wanted him or her to say, maybe more. But how much should you really take away from pillow talk?

Pillow talk — a language all its own, the most intimate of conversations you’ve ever had while your face is pressed, half-smudged, against some fabric. It’s the most uninhibited, natural and possibly honest you’ve ever been with anyone. There’s no small talk, just real talk and everything you ever wanted to hear or to say to someone. It’s that cushy stuff guys tell you when they are trying to get you to drop your pants again. It’s the stuff girls says because they thinks it’s what you want to hear. It’s the moment you believe that person will love you forever (or at least like you enough to hang out again).

Then, the drop happens. The next day, reality sets in and you’re wondering where that person is who loved you so much and asked you to spend the weekend with him or her? Where are the follow-throughs on all the plans and promises?

As my lawyer would put it, “The defendant was induced under circumstances that made him/her unable to think rationally.”

Unfortunately, those words in bed don’t hold up in real life. It’s a sad truth, but you can’t trust everyone’s feelings after having spent minutes, hours or days wrapped around another human. People have the ability to let their guards down for moments, but not for the next day, and certainly not for you.

They were momentarily intoxicated and said things they didn’t mean or want to admit. They are as responsible and level-headed as the girl dancing on the counter, six shots deep and two slaps of the wine bag.

Okay, so they didn’t mean it because they were caught up in the moment. Does this give them the right to say things then take them back? Does this give them an excuse for deceiving you and leading you to a broken heart? Does this mean everything was a lie? Unfortunately, what it boils down to is, can you judge them anymore than you can a drunk for their actions?

They were drunk — drunk off you, and you off them. Reality was just a distant memory and the moment was the only thing that mattered. It was the first beautiful experience they had in a while (hopefully). They may have deceived you later, for the person they hide behind to the world, but it doesn’t mean they weren’t honest with you when the clothes were off and the sheets spread.

They probably did feel those things, did crave your affection and attention, did think they loved you. Then reality set in and words became just words. Their former desires and ideals took precedence again and their promises, actions and declarations are just a fleeting memory of a good night.

They may be a bit embarrassed, the way a semi-lucid drunk remembers parts of the night, but they assume it was all in good fun. And it was, wasn’t it? Sex is always better when it’s with someone you care about, and vice versa. So why not act the part, if only for a moment? Why not give the person a taste of the whole package? While that may sound deceitful when explained on paper, no one’s ever thinking maliciously while in bed with someone. No one is hatching evil plans to break hearts and lead on the innocent.

Their feelings of love and adoration are real, if only for a few seconds. Like fleeting love, you must never take bedside promises seriously. Learn to hear it, enjoy it and let it go. Because words are just words, empty or not. I know this. I break my promises all the time.

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उसे शौक था – Latest shayri

उसे शौक था.. हर रात हो एक नया बदन..
दलाल अबके जो लाया.. वो बेटी उसी की थी..

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5 Reasons That Prove Sex Makes You Look More Beautiful

Rosy cheeks, glowing skin, and that pink pout – women shell out thousands of bucks every month to get all of the above. Well, here is one effective way that would enhance your beauty and that too naturally! Studies have proved that a good lovemaking session can stimulate the feel-good hormones, which in turn help in keeping the skin firm and glowing. A Scottish study found that indulging in the act thrice a week makes one look younger by four years. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? Well, let us just peep in more to find out the beauty secrets of making love every day.


1. Natural Glow

5 Reasons That Prove Sex Makes You Look More Beautiful

You all would accept that there is nothing more attractive than natural beauty. Well, lovemaking certainly makes you glow from inside out. Sweat produced during the act cleanses the pores and makes the skin glow. The natural oils like linoleic oil released during lovemaking moisturises the skin. Regular sessions promote the release of hormones, including testosterone and oestrogen, which give a youthful and glowing complexion. Ahem…Well, is this the reason why we hear that women glow after marriage?

2. Fountain Of Youth

5 Reasons That Prove Sex Makes You Look More Beautiful

Forget creams, lovemaking can make you seven years younger. Here is the proof! Dr. David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist, after his extensive research revealed that older men and women with an active sex life looked five to seven years younger than their actual age. He further said that one does not have to be at it every night to enjoy youth-enhancing effects! Quality is as important as quantity. The ­anti-ageing benefits become stronger if having sex is more ‘loving’ and not just a mere activity. Especially following the menopause, when women’s oestrogen levels naturally drop, indulging in lovemaking will fight against wrinkles and dry skin.

3. Sense Of Euphoria

5 Reasons That Prove Sex Makes You Look More Beautiful

Lovemaking is one of the few activities that both excites and relaxes the brain at the same time. The pleasure which the body experiences, increases the oxygen quotient in the body, boosting every cell to feel good. With an active sex life, you will soon enjoy good mood and days will be sunny again! From sexologists’ point of view, it should be included in your routine along with brushing your teeth and washing your hair.

4. Shiny And Lustrous Hair

5 Reasons That Prove Sex Makes You Look More Beautiful

The killer of our strands is dryness. Give your hair some good amount of glow by giving it a natural moisturiser from time to time. Each hair follicle has a blood vessel to it and lovemaking tremendously improves the blood circulation in your body. Thus, better the blood flow means more the nourishment to your hair. It benefits you from top to toe. The hormones released during the act will also keep your nails strong.

5. Shed Those Kilos!

5 Reasons That Prove Sex Makes You Look More Beautiful

Whether lovemaking can actually make you slimmer or not, has always been a debatable topic. There are so many different researches that it becomes a question which one to trust. So, we would not quote any research, but a living example. There is a woman who not just practiced it, but after the results, went on to write a book on it. Kerry McCloskey, the author of The Ultimate Sex Diet, lost 23 pounds in six months, all thanks to lovemaking! She says, “I’m healthier and happier than ever before, this is one diet I never want to quit!” So people, doesn’t that make it at least worth a try?


From keeping the skin supple and firm to giving you that natural glow, lovemaking is one facial mask that undoubtedly works wonders on your skin.

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Friday, 25 December 2015

Rebound Sex With An Ex: It’s Comfortable, But Is It Right?

Rebound relationships and no-frills sex may seem like obligatory recovery steps in the wake of a breakup, but what about rebounding with your ex? I have found that it is pretty common to ricochet back into a sexual relationship with a former lover rather than to start fresh with a new partner.

What draws us to this person who has caused so much pain rather than to a potentially good guy with whom we have no history? Why do we habitually come back for more if we know it’s not what we want? Is it the sex or is it a deeper feeling?

Sex with someone you love can be difficult to describe — his body seems to fit your body like a glove and he knows everything about your existence.

The touch of his skin on your skin is not only sensual, but also comforting. He doesn’t care that you are between waxes or that your panties don’t match your bra — you’re no longer self-conscious.

There is a feeling that comes with sex when you are deeply in love: butterflies, fireworks, going down the big rollercoaster hill — it’s incomparable to anything else and can be difficult to imagine ever coming across it again.

This type of sex, as opposed to a one-night stand or a two-week fling, can make a woman feel truly beautiful and loved, not just sexy and lusted after. There are a few key factors as to why a woman looks to the person she was in love with for satisfaction, despite her current relationsh*t (sorry, I mean relationship) status.

Women can easily fall into the traps of the “I miss you” and “I’ll love you forever” texts from an ex. Mix those with a few drinks, loneliness, nostalgia and perhaps guilt for ignoring an ex’s consistent efforts and you have a complete recipe for a past love rebound.

You’ll pick up your cracked iPhone, text him your location and allow him to come get you. You’ll share some laughs, tears and trysts before you bid him adieu. You may forget why you are even broken up.

Was it the tired whisper of an “I love you” that possessed you to bounce back into bed with your ex, or was it the six vodka tonics and who knows how many shots? Now is the time for you to make the decision of whether or not to continue with the ex or find a nice, innocent rebound from some EDM-blasting nightclub, who may suck at life, but will provide great sex.

While yes, rebound sex with an ex can be instantly gratifying, it can also give you dating amnesia. Whether your rebound is strictly sex on weekends after dancing until 4 am with your gal pals or frequent hangouts that lead to fornication, our minds become foggy and forgetful when push comes to shove.

Maybe you’re addicted to irrevocably loving someone who cannot give you what we need and above all, deserve, yet you continue down this road of reckless behavior, which can (and will) inevitably end.

All of a sudden, you are re-breaking up with your ex because realize he is still the same ‘ole dog. He still doesn’t your return your calls, he still picks the fellas over you and he still texts some girl named Brittney, who he claims is just a friend.

Rebound sex with an ex can teach you an invaluable lesson: one night, or in most cases, many nights of pure bliss with a past love cannot erase all of the pain and wrongdoing.

Your relationship ended for a reason, right?  So, is rebound sex with your ex healthy? It may provide you with some short-term pleasure and a sense of closure, but it may also deter you from the path of healing. But ultimately, do what is best for you and your happiness.

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भरी महफ़िल में – Latest Shayri

भरी महफ़िल में कर रहे थे वो जिक्र अपनी वफ़ा का.
नज़र मुझ पर क्या पड़ी कमबख्त ने बात ही पलट दी..

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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

4 Ways To Successfully Approach Casual Sex Without Looking Like A Jerk

When it comes to dating, honesty and communication are considered the two biggest tools in creating and maintaining a successful relationship.

So why is it that when the relationship doesn’t necessarily appear to be headed down the aisle, and instead just toward the bedroom, people freak out? More specifically, why do guys get put in such a tight spot?

If you’re honest and say, “I just want a friends-with-benefits situation,” you’re seen as an assh*le or pervert. But if you lie and put on a big show with dinner dates and flowers, then completely drop the other person after you hook up, you’re an even bigger assh*le because you weren’t honest about what you wanted.

So what’s a good way of telling someone, “I’m not looking for anything serious, just a sexual relationship,” without being offensive? The answer is simple: It’s all in the presentation. With the right wording, the right tone and the right mental state, you can get what you want without giving the wrong impression.

Here are a few ways to get to the point without resorting to elaborate Barney Stinson-esque trickery:

Let go of the fear of “no”

My personal theory is that guys put on the big show of wanting to take a girl out on a date and get to know her, but their main goal is always to have sex.

Getting taken on dates may give a girl the wrong impression, when in reality, the guy was just afraid that if he said, “Uh, hey, can I just get a blowie and play with your breasts and not call again?” he’d be greeted with a resounding “no.”

Fear of rejection is natural. Who wants to get shot down? But the reality is, there are going to be people who aren’t going to be down for what you’re offering. It sucks, but eventually there will be someone out there who would love to just cut the bullsh*t and get to the fun — if you just phrase it correctly.

Watch your words (and delivery)

Honesty is indeed the best policy, but there is such a thing as being too honest. I’ve known guys who have just gotten out of relationships, meet a girl they think is pretty and then realize they’re not in the best place to commit to a full relationship.

The pretty girl, seeing that the guy is shy, takes initiative and asks him to dinner. The guys’ response is usually along the lines of, “I just broke up with someone, so I’m not looking for anything serious right now. But I’ll hook up with you.” You can imagine that the girl’s response is never a pleasant one.

Were my guy friends honest? Yes. However, they were too honest. They basically said, “I’m still hurting over my ex, but you’re hot, so I’ll totally do you, as my physical needs aren’t being met on the regular anymore.”

So what’s the easiest way to avoid being seen as a pig? Go easy on your delivery. Throwing in something like, “But I’ll hook up with you,” makes it seem like you’re doing her a favor. Saying something along the lines of, “I just got out of a relationship; I’m just looking for something casual right now,” is sufficient. She’ll get the idea — trust me.

Take turns

One final thing to remember is that if you do want just sex, it’s not only about you. There is another person involved and there’s expectation there.

I’ve gone along with guys who just want a causal, friends-with-benefits thing, and it winds up being all about them and their needs. That’s really not okay. Reciprocate.

Newsflash: Hooking up is not just about your penis. Yes, I know there are sexually selfish women out there, too. That’s also not okay. I find that one-sided sexual activity isn’t much fun.

It’s so much hotter when both people are enthusiastic about pleasing each other. Again, there’s no need to resort to tricks and schemes to get what you want. Just talk about it.

For the love of all things good, do not use text abbreviations.

If you’re using text messages or emails to communicate, do not use text language. I know, I know; it’s 2014 and text lingo is becoming more acceptable, but when it comes to dating, it should be outlawed.

I don’t know about you, but when I get a message that says, “BJ and u may get something l8r,” I feel like I’m back in eighth grade chatting on AIM. Put in a little effort; I want to hook up with a man, not a perverted boy.

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Salman Khan Is Gonna Marry Very Soon..

Salman Khan to marry Iulia Vantur next year!!!!

While fans and well wishers are busy celebrating this news, there’s another issue that might just receive a closure soon… Salman Khan’s marriage, which, over the years, has become a national issue of sorts.


From ‘whom will he marry’ to ‘when will he marry’ and everything in between has been a constant part, no matter how peripheral, of every Bollywood discussion.  With every affair of the actor, our hopes have raisen sky high only to come crashing down yet again.  “I will think about marrying only after the courts give their verdicts. If the verdicts go against me, I will marry only after coming out of jail,” as he was quoted in 2012 when he appeared on Aap Ki Adaalat.


Now  the issue is almost settled  the actor has been termed ‘not guilty’ by the court. And as far as the ‘whom’ part is concerned, our wild guess is… Romanian model, Iulia Vantur. Currently Salman is  dating Vantur and has even been spotted with her on a few occasions. Earlier rumours even suggested that the couple is engaged, but Salman’s sister, Arpita Khan Sharma had outright rubbished these reports.

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मज़बूरियों के दौर – Latest Shayri

मज़बूरियों के दौर में जान से भी प्यार लोग..
“बेशक बेवफा ना हो… पर बदल जरूर जाते है…।”

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What ‘I’m Not That Kind of Girl’ Actually Means

This article may get me slapped, but whatever. Starting my later high school years to this afternoon, I’ve had countless girls say to me “I’m not that kind of girl,” or “I’m a good girl.”  Of course, they always informed me of this fun fact when I was either bringing them home, had them home, or sometimes even while we were in the process of hooking up.

When I was younger, I believed the girls that would say this. And I would usually move on my merry way after hearing it, assuming I wasn’t going to crack that nut. However, with age comes wisdom.

Comically, the responses “don’t worry, I’m not that kind of guy,” “you didn’t seem like every other girl,” or simply ignoring them will work most of the time to make them forget that they’re “not like that.” But even better, I’ve just come to learn that if a girl ever tells me that she’s a good one, there’s a 99 percent chance that we’re about to hook up…or she’s crazy. When girls mutter these few words, the truth is, they only say this to convince themselves, not me, that they’re “good.”

Plus, whenever you feel obligated to tell someone that you’re “good,” it’s usually because you’re being “bad” – think about it.  It’s like how people always (myself included) will tell you that they don’t really eat dessert just before ordering the fudge sundae special. The girls I know who I consider “good” and actually don’t have random hook ups have never assured me, or anyone for that matter, of their so-called purity, simply because they never find themselves in situations where they need to confirm it.

Telling me that you’re a “good girl” while lying on my couch half-naked at 3:00AM after meeting me that night at a sports bar is like telling me you’re a vegetarian after ordering a prime rib. All I can do is nod and say “well isn’t that interesting!” The same goes for guys (myself included) who try to think of themselves as good guys.

I constantly catch myself thinking, “You know what, Sebastian? You’re really over this whole hook up thing and just want to find a girl who’s serious.” Meanwhile, I’m running from bar to bar buying tequila shots for whoever is wearing the shortest skirt.

At the end of the day, who cares? But if you are one of those people who is human, there’s a good chance that your self-image is pretty damn distant from your actions. So the next time you try telling someone about what kind of person you are, think about whether you are trying to convince that person of it, or yourself.


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Monday, 21 December 2015

Why ‘Crazy’ In A Woman Is A F*cking Good Thing

Are you with a woman who scares the sh*t out of you? Are you with a girl strong enough to speak her mind and stand up for her beliefs? Are you dating someone who surprises you every day?

Then you’re probably with a crazy girl.

Crazy girlget a bad rap. They’re the eccentrics. They have personality pouring out of their ears and toes. They’re the wild and unstoppable ones who begin every day with a new mood, a new feeling and a new thirst for life.

They’re the ones who always laugh a little too loud and a little too long and sometimes annoy you because they constantly change their minds. They stand in opposition to Plain Janes.

They’re the ones you love to chat with at parties and talk about after they’ve left. They’re the ones with the reputations and the stories. They’re the ones everyone loves to admire and gossip about later.

In today’s cruel, judgmental world, anyone with a bit of personality get a label. For women with a certain spark, that label is “crazy.”

But if you’re not crazy, what are you? Normal? Lame? Boring? If a woman who speaks her mind and loves to enjoy herself is “crazy,” then what’s normal?

So what does “crazy” really mean? Enthusiastic? Imaginative? Outlandish? Are these things bad? Are these things lesser? Are these things really worse than boring or normal?

It means she’s alive.

If being excited and passionate makes you crazy, you should call these women insane.

There’s too much death around us already — too many dead personalities, lifeless bodies and resting souls — that when you meet a woman who hasn’t resigned herself to being perpetually bored and miserable, it can be a shock to your system.

A crazy woman just wants to live in the moment and express her feelings.

It means she’s bold enough to be herself.

She’s tired of pretending she doesn’t care. She cares about everything. She cares about the small bird outside her window, the dog that passed her on the sidewalk yesterday and the girl sitting next to her at work.

She’s intrigued, worried and in love with everything and everyone. She can’t help but be interested in everything. She’s happy to say that she wants to learn as much as she knows.

She’s not scared to tell people who she is and give them an all-access pass to her life. She’s not afraid to be herself and let everyone else see her as she is. And that person is NOT some stuck-up, closed off version everyone else tries so hard to be.

It means she’s not afraid to dream.

She doesn’t care what people think of her, so she definitely doesn’t care about the opinions people have about their dreams. She’s not scared to put herself out there and tell people what she wants — or rather, expects — from life.

She’s not scared to make goals that other people would call impossible. She’s not scared to have ideas that people would think are outlandish. She’s strong enough to take your criticism and listen to the plain girls snicker at her.

She knows they’d rather watch her than do anything substantial of their own.

It means she knows how to love.

Everyone’s so goddamn unaffected these days. Everyone’s so scared of showing any kind of emotion. Everyone’s so blasé about everything. A crazy woman doesn’t want a blasé life.

She’ll show you emotion even if everyone else won’t. She’ll gush over a beautiful painting, admire your craftsmanship and show that she feels something for the art in front of her.

She knows how to live; therefore, she knows how to love. She’s not scared to throw her heart into things and let you know she loves you.

It means she has depth.

People today are all about living on the surface. They’re so involved with the version of themselves they’re trying so hard to be. A crazy woman isn’t trying to fool you or intimidate you; she’s just trying to be real with you.

She sees encounters with people as chances to learn and grow. She’ll bare her soul if she’s comfortable with you. When you talk to her, you’ll feel like you’re diving into a deep ocean that keeps offering new depths and avenues to explore.

You’ll have this weird feeling about her. You’ll become obsessed with getting her attention and walk away feeling invigorated and excited. You’ll end up thinking about her all night and becoming sad when you realize that this is the only person you’ve seen today who’s been real with you.

She’s a breath of fresh air in an otherwise shallow pond of bullsh*t.

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Sunday, 20 December 2015

7 Things Science Knows About Your Sex Life That You Don’t

A recent article published by Nerve found that science knows a thing or two that you don’t when it comes to your sex life. According to the collection of research, the shape of your body is a sure-as-hell sign of how rowdy your next romp is going to be and the size of your date’s index finger may be a dead giveaway for what kind of heat he’s packin’ (if you catch my drift).

The arbitrary revelations assert that your body type determines how desirable you are to potential partners based on qualities that are only skin deep. Not only is society putting too much pressure on what’s happening on the outside, but now science is joining the ranks of the looks-first movement.

Having a crooked smile means you’ll probably only bed guys who haven’t yet been circumcised and that having bigger boobs makes you more desirable to men because it reminds them of their mothers. A bigger penis is actually a turn-off for women because they don’t want all that shoved up the broom closet — who knew?

The hard-hitting research goes on to prove a bevy of facts, like the fact that dominant guys like girls with smaller chests and staring at boobs, no matter their size, actually tacks on five years to any guy’s life and is just as fulfilling as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.

But that’s not all. There’s plenty more schooling to do when it comes to your body type and your sexual preferences.

An average rack means you’ll definitely attract sexist guys

The Nerve article just lightly touches on the fact that a B- and C-cup puts you within reach of the douchey guy at the bar and research from the University of Westminster agrees. After analyzing how 361 men aged 18-68 reacted to 3D models of women with varying breast sizes, researchers found that 32.7 percent of guys found medium-sized boobs most attractive.

Researchers then concluded that guys associate these size tops with “traditional” femininity and also asserts that these men think women are both “meek” and “weak.” Which means where making huge headway in the fight for gender equality.
No wonder Joan had such a tortured experience climbing the corporate ladder.


It’s all in the fingers

The “bigger the hands, bigger the dick” aphorism might not be totally reliable but that doesn’t mean there isn’t just a flicker of truth to the slogan.

According to research out of Korea, a man whose index finger is shorter than his ring finger is more likely to have a bigger package. Which makes for great conversation when you meet a guy at a bar and just casually ask to see how much bigger his hand is than yours…

But that begs the question: Is bigger always better?

Boobs, boobs, they’re good for your heart (and apparently, your longevity)

Jury’s still out on the authenticity of this study, but apparently a German doctor by the name of Katren Weatherby found that ogling a woman’s boobs for 10 minutes a day will magically add five years to a dude’s lifespan.

The study, which involved three different hospitals in Frankfurt, looked at the overall health of 200 males for a period of five years. They found that the guys who took in more boob sightings had lower blood pressure, were less likely to develop coronary artery disease and had slower pulse rates than their (unfortunate) counterparts, who didn’t get boob views as often.

The supposed research didn’t take a woman’s personality into account at all (but why would it?). Pretty sure this makes for the ultimate “Look, but don’t touch” argument.

Top heavy? You’ll only attract guys who want kids

Research published in Psychology Today analyzed the “evolutionary perspective on breast size” and found that guys who have no interest in becoming fathers were turned off by bigger chests. Apparently they know what happens with that whole breastfeeding situation (you know, like sustaining a life solely by your breast milk, making women the most Powerful People on the Planet) and they want no part in it.

Only 67 college-aged men participated in the study, conducted by Christopher Burris and Armand Munteanu, which proved that men in their early 20s still have absolutely no clue about what they want.

Burris, Armand and their corral of 67 circus idiots found that guys believe a larger chest is an innate signal of a woman’s ability to bear and nurture children, thus concluding (without saying so) that the Itty Bitty Titty Committee make terrible mothers.

Some other food for thought? Though these guys don’t want to wed you, they’re fully capable of determining whether or not your waste-to-hip ratio is indicative of your ability to conceive.

Longer gams gives you a leg up on the competition

In Poland, Boguslaw Pawlowski and a team of psychologists from the University of Wroclaw found that longer-than-average legs make you immediately more attractive, regardless of the Long-Stemmed One’s gender.

Pawlowski and his team asked 218 male and female volunteers to rank attractiveness of seven different male and female digitally altered images. Little did the participants know, but the researchers had previously altered the images to make their legs average or longer by five, 10 and 15 percent, respectively.

After they’d asked each participant to share which person they thought was mostattractive, the Polish team concluded that leg length matters to people more than looks, more than figure, more than body shape and more than facial attractiveness.

Which means that all that time my best friend wasted worrying about the towering over all the guys at the party was all for naught (sorry, girl!).

The bigger the manhood, the higher the flight risk

Turns out that women aren’t in search of the biggest fish in the sea. It’s the small, reasonably sized, average fish that gets the woman – and keeps her.

Research published by PLOS One found that men with larger penises are more likely to be cheated on by their wives. In order to come to that conclusion, researchers interviewed 545 married couples in Kenya and asked both partners to self-report their partner’s girth when ready to go (read: when hard enough to break a brick) and were given a 15-inch ruler for reference.

The men reported what they saw and the women, what they measured. If there was a difference in the estimates, the researchers erred on the side of whichever partner was less likely to fib.

Shockingly enough, researchers found that for every inch longer that the penis was, the stronger the likelihood (one-and-half times over) that the woman was likely to be involved in an extra-marital partnership. They went on to add that women associated larger penis sizes with pain and discomfort during sex, which deteriorated their ability to enjoy themselves.

‘This far better to be a shower than a grower, I suppose.

The bigger the hips, the bigger the number… but the better the body

A study performed by the University of Leeds found that women with wider hips are much more likely to have one-night stands. Apparently the number of partners a woman has is “largely driven” by how many one-night stands she takes home.

Researchers also noted that “women with bigger hips might be more sexually open because they’re evolutionary better at popping out the babies.” So if you’ve got a hip width wider than 14.2 inches, you’re likely to have way more sexual partners and casual hookups than women with a width under 12.2 inches.

But to restore your faith in humanity a little bit, Dr. Barnaby Dixson, a New Zealand-based anthropologist found what all women with a little booty and a lot of body know to be true, that straight men were more into women with hourglass figures than any other body type. And that is why on the Eight Day, God created Beyoncé.

So go ‘head girl, go ’head, get down.





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दुआ होती तो – Latest Shayri

दुआ होती तो क़ुबूल हो जाती,
खुदा ख्वाहिशे कहाँ पूरी करता है

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Saturday, 19 December 2015

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

“All good things come with a price”, and all those Christmas cakes and nosh are asking for your good health! Fight this heavier and loaded side of Christmas with your angelic plans that will lead to good health. Because if you do not, and continue indulging in heavy eating, Santa will no more be the only one with a big belly. If you are thinking why you need health-boosting ideas for Christmas, here is to remind you that this festival is a 15-day indulgence, unlike Thanksgiving! Also, an average person gains 1-5 pounds during Christmas and New Year season. So, here are some incredible tips for you to have a healthy Christmas.

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

1. Refrain from overindulgence

Overindulgence is the biggest sin on Christmas. Nutritious food has already taken the backseat and the seductions of all the sweet and ‘bad health stuff’ like eggnog, latkes, rolls and butter, mashed potatoes, fudge, pie, and the whole series of cakes sit afore. The least we can do is, put a stop to overindulgence. Learn to say no to the temptations of piling on the grubs that can later add so much fat to our body. And, if not for a good shape, do this for a happy heart and healthy liver.

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

2. Do not skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast is likely to have a reverse effect on us, than what we expect it to do. Doing this is likely to leave you hunting for titbits with huge amounts of calories to eat. This will supply you with more calories than what you were trying to miss through your breakfast. Secondly, for a healthy life, it is essential to have three meals a day. For breakfast you can have oatmeal, broccoli, English muffins and eggs, vegetables, or porridge, as this is the earliest meal of your day.

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

3. Keep yourself hydrated

Most of us tend to reduce the intake of water with the coming of winters. But, keeping yourself hydrated is the secret to good health. All toxins get washed out, and you remain healthy. Fluid intake is even more crucial because you are going to party hard and there will be hangovers. It will help you fight the side effects and attain your health back even after long indulgences. Remember, drinks like tea, coffee, green tea etc. count in when we talk about hydration. You can also keep a glass of water near your bed, and start your day with it. A glass of water on an empty stomach can do miracles in keeping your insides clean.

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

4. Snares of the snacks

Snacks, especially the ones that you are going to get at the Christmas party will do no good to you. If you are a party planner, it will be nice on your part to find health-friendly snacks. There are good alternatives to those canapés, cheeseboards, buffet, and the sweet treats like cheesecakes. Like, you can rather serve your guests banana slices, yogurt, smoked salmon, salted nuts, hammed potatoes, hash and bacon cakes, glasses of juice, healthy eggs, and chips. And, raise a toast to everyone’s good health! If you are just a hardcore partier, nibble sensibly. Do not let yourself loose on snacks that will add pounds on you.

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

5. Christmas Eve drinks

This is the most sensitive part, and people most often tend to lose control on this one. Cutting down on your meals to splurge on drinks is a bad idea. You gain more calories and lose your health. Also, it is suggested that you stick to one kind of drink, as this will reduce the levels of chemical by-products in your blood. Also, drink slowly and gradually to avoid over-drinking and menacing with your health. Indulge in one glass an hour, and keep drinking juices and water in between.

6 Incredible Tips For You To Have A Healthy Christmas

6. Post-Christmas planning

Party is over! Move on to a normal diet right from the next day of Christmas. This is more to keep yourself in good shape and your health in pink. Eggs are the best pick for a breakfast on the next day of heavy partying! The best idea is to eat some veggies like spinach with sprinkled pepper and chilli. And if nothing else, you can make yourself a smoothie to recover from the hangovers of an overindulgent, diet and drinking on Christmas.

This is Christmas time! It is good to be your own Santa, and gift yourself good health this year. Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!

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Friday, 18 December 2015

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

A woman’s breasts are truly a symbol of her beauty and femininity. However, there are many natural and unnatural progressions of life that can lead to sagging breasts. Things like ageing, smoking, pregnancy, and excessive exercise can steal away an important part of your beauty and look.While you cannot battle against the natural causes, you can prevent excessive and premature breast sagging with the following tips:

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

1. Wear a proper fitting bra

No other part of your body is as affected by gravity as your breasts. One of the most common reasons for sagging breasts is an ill-fitted bra. It is very crucial to pick a correct size bra, as it keeps the breast in shape and enhances your overall appearance. While trying on a bra, make sure that your breasts are not bouncy or spilling out. When the straps become lose, either tighten them or replace the brassiere. If you are not aware about your proper bra size, consult a professional and have your size properly measured.

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

2. Massage

To keep your curvy bosoms in shape, apply some moisturiser daily. It will keep the skin supple and help your breasts retain their elasticity. Also, gently massage your breasts in a circular motion from upside down and vice versa. Do this for at least 10 minutes every day. This would help to increase blood circulation in the tissues, and would help in increasing the elasticity of your breasts. You can use aloe vera gel, almond oil, or any other vegetable oil for the massage.

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

3. Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is very essential to your attempts to avoid breast sagging. Your body needs balanced diet to build healthy cells, including the new breast tissues. Vitamins are very important for your body. Vitamin E and D are very important for healthy skin. Along with this, include Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to reduce risks of breast cancer. Add a lot of green leafy vegetables, carrots, fishes, nuts, tomatoes, and whole grains, etc. in your diet.

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

4. Steady weight

Maintain a stable weight by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. Weight fluctuations such as gaining and losing weight regularly can result in stretching out the skin tissues. This can affect the elasticity of the breasts. Always stick to your recommended weight to avoid sagging of your breasts along with many other health problems. Fluctuations in body weight can increase the tension on the connective tissues in the breasts.

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

5. Excessive exercise

Anything in excess is bad, and so is excessive exercising. Running in particular can take a toll on the elasticity of your breasts. Women with larger size should be extra careful while exercising. The weight of larger breasts can cause harm to ligaments and connective tissues. So, avoid jogging for extended periods of time and always wear a supportive and a comfortable sports bra while exercising. Having said that, a correct fitness routine can help you to keep your breasts firm. Some pectoral workouts can help a lot, such as push-ups, chest presses, etc.

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

6. Water intake

Drink enough glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated. Your skin tends to become wrinkled and saggy when it is dehydrated. So, keep your skin moist and hydrated to get rid of loose and saggy skin. Other than water, you can also rely on other liquids and citrus fruits to keep yourself hydrated.

6 Proven And Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

What else?

Apart from these six there are many other ways to prevent sagging breast:

  • Quit smoking and alcohol.
  • Practice correct posture while sitting and standing.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Replace your old bras on time.
  • Always keep your breast skin moisturised.

While, sagging breasts can leave you worried and less confident, these simple tips can help you get healthy and perfect breasts.

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किसी ने मुझसे पूछा – Latest Shayri

किसी ने मुझसे पूछा “कैसी है अब ज़िंदगी”…,
मैंने मुस्करा कर जवाब दिया… “वो खुश है”..।

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Monday, 14 December 2015

कोई ऐसा कानून – Latest Shayri

कोई ऐसा कानून बना दो साहब,,
कि जो बेवफा हो जाये.. उसे भी कोई अपनाए..

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Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

Many people complain about weight gain on the hips, and think that no matter how much they exercise, it doesn’t seem to bring out any results. They sulk on how they can’t wear a two-piece bikini to the beach because it is more of an embarrassment. Well it is not wrong to say that hips and thighs are two areas where excess fat gets stored, especially for women.

So, how do you get rid of this stubborn fat on your hips? Don’t worry it is not impossible or difficult. To begin, you can do a couple of staple exercises that will tame the cellulite around your hips. All this can help you to get the best results. If you don’t believe us, then try these easy to-do-at home exercises to get your hips in shape.

1 Squats

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • Stand straight, and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend your knees slowly. Gradually lower your body by pushing your hips back. As you go lower, stretch your hands straight in front of you.
  • Keep the weight steady on your feet and upper thighs, and not on your knees. It is like pretending to sit on an imaginary chair.
  • Try to maintain this position for 8-10 breaths.
  • Then, slowly come back to the original standing position.

To increase the difficulty level, try putting your body weight on your toes and squat. You can also use dumbbells and place your arms parallel to the ground. Or, use a weight plate and hold it with both hands, and keep your arms parallel to the floor. You will feel the glutes muscles being exercised and pushed to the limits.

2 Standing Side-kick

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • First make sure there is a wall or a strong chair by your side before you do this one.
  • Now, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on your waist.
  • Slowly raise your right leg to the side at hip height till it is parallel to the floor.
  • Hold your leg for 3 counts and bring it back to the original position.
  • Repeat with left leg.
  • Do it at least 15-20 times in 4 sets.

This is a great kick-boxing pose that all ladies must add to their fitness regime. If you are not used to strenuous exercises or are not flexible enough, then for starters use a chair or a wall for the support as you lift your leg. Afterwards get rid of the support for better results.

3 Hip Raise

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • Lie down flat on your back with your knees slightly bent and your hands by your side.
  • Keeping your feet firmly on the floor, lift your hips a little. Keep your body weight balanced on your hands and feet.
  • Now, slowly raise your left leg in front. And, keep the toe pointing towards the ceiling.
  • Hold this position for five seconds, and bring it back to the original (knee bent) position.
  • Repeat with right leg. This completes one rep.
  • Do 10 reps in each set; begin with two sets and then increase it to four sets.

4 Seated leg raise

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • Sit comfortably on a bench, chair or a mediball with knees rested at a 90-degree angle and feet firmly on the floor.
  • Rest your hands on your side and lift both your legs.
  • Try holding this position for about 15-20 seconds, and breathe normally.
  • Lower your legs, coming back to the original positions
  • Once you get comfortable with this exercise, hold your legs in the air for at least 30-40 seconds.
  • Just make sure that your back straight always remains straight.

5 One-sided Leg Lifts

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • Lie down on an exercise mat, on your side.
  • Keep your legs stacked, with one on top of the other.
  • Place one hand under your head, and keep the other stretched by your side, on top of your legs.
  • Now, slowly lift the leg that is on the top. Keep stretching it as far as possible, and hold the position for 5-8 counts.
  • Slowly come back to the original position.
  • Repeat this at least 5 times before moving on to the other side.

To increase the difficulty level in this one, you can lift both the legs instead of one. As the first leg reaches a comfortable position, lift the second one to meet it mid-air. If you are going for a double leg lift, then keep your one hand under your head, and the other one on the floor in front of you to manage your body weight better.

6 Superman Leg Raise (On the floor)

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • Spread a mat on the floor and get on all your fours with weight evenly balanced between your hands and knees, to avoid any injury.
  • Raise your left leg behind you, till it is parallel to the ground. Make sure you don’t bend your elbow while stretching your leg.
  • Hold this position till a count of 5 seconds and then get back to the original position.
  • Repeat with right leg to complete one rep.
  • Do at least 4 reps in one set and gradually increase the number of sets to 4.

Manage your diet

What you eat, your hips will reveal. After all, hips don’t lie!

Best Exercises To Lose Weight From Hips Easily

  • Eat protein-rich food (lentils, chicken) for it helps increase your metabolic rate.
  • Avoid everything fatty and carb-rich for they do more harm than good and add to your body weight.
  • Have fish for omega-fatty acids present in them decrease fat deposit around your hips.

The best part about these exercises is that they will not only help you to lose weight from your hips, but will also show positive results for your lower body, including your butt and thighs. Just stay motivated, because the end results will be worth every effort that you put in.

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Saturday, 12 December 2015

हौंसला उसमे भी – Latest Shayri

“हौंसला उसमे भी न था.. यूँ मुझसे जुदा होने का…,
वरना… काजल उसकी आँखों में यूँ फैला ना होता…।”

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5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

Believe it or not, sex life post-marriage certainly changes. But, marriage is no death sentence for your fun-filled, carefree days. Not everything post-marriage will suck out happiness and excitement from your sex lives. There will be a few sunny days and few rainy ones; you need to embrace both and not overdo the expectations bit. Brace yourself by being informed about what is bound to change in your “let us make love now-here-there-everywhere” routine. Trust us; there is a good side to it too.

5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

Trade chores for sex

This is one of the good things that happen to married couples. You can barter sex for some household chore that needs to be done. Lure your partner into doing the dishes or picking children from school and reward them with a hot oil massage, steamy hot shower concluded with a love making session. Think of other stuff you can give them in reward to reinforce such a like able and generous act of sharing household work.

5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

Fun vacation sex

Taking time off from your hectic life every once in a while can be therapeutic for your relationship. Leave behind the bills and babies, and housework and relatives and just be with each other. Behave like a teen, have a round of cocktails, guzzle down some beer, hog like you forgot how to eat and enjoy vacation sex.

5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

Making baby routine

Right after marriage, sex becomes a priority and you will have your share of wild and crazy days and nights to say the least. However, once the feeling of ‘we are just married’ sinks with all time and energies invested in making love, there will come a time when you will be pressuring yourself for an obligatory baby-making session. You have to make sure you don’t let this run heavy on your sex life. Women who are too eager to conceive can schedule sex during fertile periods. Just go easy on each other rather than focusing on the baby.

5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

Time for a quick one

Once you have kids, their kindergarten and nappy changing activities will wear you down. You will have to train your selves into making time for those ‘quickies’. But, you also need to make room for some long, passionate hours in each other’s arms. Tuck children to the bed early, kiss them good night and fancy the night away with ‘do-it-to-me’ moans.

5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

There will be dry spells

Do not compare your pre-marriage days of sex with the present times, it will simply be calling for trouble. Earlier, you may have enjoyed love making secretly at a friends’ or at the backseat of your car, but now you can do it all the time. This may weigh the anxiety down, which is why it is alright if there is a bout of dry spell. You should not expect every sexual encounter to be as crazy as it used to be. Either you or your partner will cringe about the desire to have ‘more of it’. So, work out a plan to get your love in to ‘the’ mood and have a rollicking time, if not every day, then every other day, perhaps?

5 Things That Change About Sex After Marriage

Just don’t think that there is everything wrong if you are not having enough bedroom time. When you are together, make the most of it because even a hug can communicate what the heart sometimes cannot.


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Friday, 11 December 2015

Parineeti Chopra’s Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

On completing four successful years in the film industry, Parineeti decided to surprise her fans. She shared some jaw-dropping pictures from the most special photoshoot of her life, #BuiltThatWay, on all her social media accounts. So, enjoy the hottest pictures of Parineeti that you have never seen before!

An Inspiration

Parineeti Chopra amazed one and all with her new avatar. Her months of hard work paid off, and she turned from a size 38 to size 30. All she did was following a strict workout routine and a balanced diet. Inspiring, isn’t it?

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

This young lady is on a mission to motivate everyone to strive for a healthier lifestyle! With her new, fit and lean body, Parineeti has surely become an inspiration for all.

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Amazing Body Transformation

We bet she has never looked better and hotter, right guys?

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Shed Inhibitations

She did this special photoshoot to slay body shamers and shed her inhibitions. The entire photoshoot was conceptualised by YRF Talent.

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

From Flab To Fab

Parineeti is posing like a sexy badass lady in a boxing ring, with dumbbells and some impressive yoga poses. Each poster comes with a motivational quote to inspire all for a better lifestyle and a fit body.

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

On Her New Body

Regarding her amazing transformation and NEW body, Parineeti was quoted as saying:

“THIS IS MY BODY and I’m proud of it! Took me 9 months to look this way. But I’m still work in progress!! Will look better with time.”

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Here is a special message from Parineeti to all her fans:

“So here goes!! The most special shoot of my life. #‎BuiltThatWay”

Parineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You InspiredParineeti Chopra's Jaw-Dropping Photoshoot: Amazing Body Transformation That Will Leave You Inspired

Thank you Parineeti Chopra for motivating all of us. We hope you all have got enough inspiration to hit the gym right away. Just like Parineeti, if you are also on a mission to transform your body, share your experience with us in the comment section below. We would love to hear about your weight loss journey.

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