Saturday, 30 April 2016

Amazing Facts About Dreams

Dreams. Mysterious, bewildering, eye-opening and sometimes a nightmarish living hell: dreams are all that and much more. Here are 20 amazing facts about dreams that you might have never heard about.

Fact 1: You can’t read while dreaming, or tell the time

If you are unsure whether you are dreaming or not, try reading something. The vast majority of people are incapable of reading in their dreams. The same goes for clocks: each time you look at a clock it will tell a different time and the hands on the clock won’t appear to be moving as reported by lucid dreamers.

Fact 2: Lucid dreaming

There is a whole subculture of people practicing what is called lucid or conscious dreaming. Using various techniques, these people have supposedly learned to assume control of their dreams and do amazing things like flying, passing through walls, and traveling to different dimensions or even back in time.

Fact 3: Inventions inspired by dreams

Dreams are responsible for many of the greatest inventions of mankind. A few examples include:

  • The idea for Google -Larry Page
  • Alternating current generator -Tesla
  • DNA’s double helix spiral form -James Watson
  • The sewing machine -Elias Howe
  • Periodic table -Dimitri Mendeleyev
    …and many, many more.

Fact 4: Premonition dreams

There are some astounding cases where people actually dreamt about things which happened to them later, in the exact same ways they dreamed about. You could say they got a glimpse of the future, or it might have just been coincidence. The fact remains that this is some seriously interesting and bizarre phenomena. Some of the most famous premonition dreams include:

  • Abraham Lincoln dreamt of His Assassination
  • Many of the victims of 9/11 had dreams warning them about the catastrophe
  • Mark Twain’s dream of his brother’s demise
  • 19 verified precognitive dreams about the Titanic catastrophe

Fact 5: Sleep paralysis

Hell is real and it is called sleep paralysis. It’s the stuff of true nightmares. I’ve been a sleep paralysis sufferer as a kid and I can attest to how truly horrible it is. Two characteristics of sleep paralysis are the inability to move (hence paralysis) and a sense of an extremely evil presence in the room with you. It doesn’t feel like a dream, but 100% real. Studies show that during an attack, sleep paralysis sufferers show an overwhelming amygdala activity. The amygdala is responsible for the “fight or flight” instinct and the emotions of fear, terror and anxiety. Enough said!


Fact 6: REM sleep disorder

In the state of REM (rapid-eye-movement) stage of your sleep your body is normally paralyzed. In rare cases, however, people act out their dreams. These have resulted in broken arms, legs, broken furniture, and in at least one reported case, a house burnt down.

Fact 7: Sexual dreams

The very scientifically-named “nocturnal penile tumescence” is a very well documented phenomena. In laymen’s term it simply means that you get a stiffy while you sleep. Actually, studies indicate that men get up to 20 erections per dream.

Fact 8: Unbelievable Sleepwalkers

Sleepwalking is a very rare and potentially dangerous sleep disorder. It is an extreme form of REM sleep disorder, and these people don’t just act out their dreams, but go on real adventures at night.

Lee Hadwin is a nurse by profession, but in his dreams he is an artist. Literally. He “sleepdraws” gorgeous portraits, of which he has no recollection afterwards. Strange sleepwalking “adventures” include:

  • A woman having sex with strangers while sleepwalking
  • A man who drove 22 miles and killed his cousin while sleepwalking (how is this even possible?)
  • A sleepwalker who walked out of the window from the third floor, and barely survived

Fact 9: Dream drug

There are actually people who like dreaming and dreams so much that they never want to wake up. They want to continue on dreaming even during the day, so they take an illegal and extremely potent hallucinogenic drug called Dimethyltryptamine. It is actually only an isolated and synthetic form of the chemical our brains produce naturally during dreaming.

Fact 10: Dream-catcher

The dream-catcher is one of the most well-known Native American symbols. It is a loose web or webs woven around a hoop and decorated with sacred objects meant to protect against nightmares.

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कितने आंसू बहा दिए – Latest Shayri

कितने आंसू बहा दिए इस चार दिन की मोहब्बत में,
काश सजदों में बहाए होते तो आज गुनाहो से पाक होते।

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तुम आए थे – Latest Shayri

तुम आए थे , पता लगा, सुन कर अच्छा भी लगा,
पर गैरों से पता चला , बेहद बुरा लगा !!

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Friday, 29 April 2016

50 Shocking Facebook Facts and Figures

  1. 1 in every 13 people on Earth is on Facebook!!
  2. 35+ demographic represents more than 30% of the entire user base!!
  3. 71.2 % of all USA internet users are on Facebook!!
  4. In 20 minutes 1,000,000 links are shared on Facebook!!
  5. In 20 minutes 1,484,000 event invites are posted!!
  6. In 20 minutes 1,323,000 photos are tagged!!
  7. In 20 minutes 1,851,000 status updates are entered!!
  8. In 20 minutes 1.972 million friend requests are accepted!!
  9. In 20 minutes 2,716,000 photos are uploaded!!
  10. In 20 minutes 2,716,000 messages are sent!!
  11. In 20 minutes 10.2 million comments are posted!!
  12. In 20 minutes 1,587,000 wall posts are written!!
  13. 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook over New Year’s weekend!!
  14. 48% of young Americans said they found out about news through Facebook!!
  15. 48% of 18 to 34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake up!!
  16. 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day!!
  17. Average user has 130 friends!!
  18. People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook!!
  19. There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)!!
  20. Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events!!
  21. Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month!!
  22. More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.!!
  23. More than 70 translations available on the site!!
  24. About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States!!
  25. Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application!!


  26. Entrepreneurs and developers from more than 190 countries build with Facebook Platform!!
  27. People on Facebook install 20 million applications every day!!
  28. Every month, more than 250 million people engage with Facebook on external websites!!
  29. Since social plugins launched in April 2010, an average of 10,000 new websites integrate with Facebook every day!!
  30. More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, including over 80 of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and over half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites!!
  31. There are more than 250 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices!!
  32. People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.!!
  33. There are more than 200 mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products!!
  34. Al Pacino’s face was on the original Facebook homepage!!
  35. One early Facebook function was a file sharing service!!
  36. The first “Work Networks” as well as the original educational networks included Apple and Microsoft!!
  37. The meaning of the term poke has never been defined!!
  38. There is an ‘App’ to see what’s on the Facebook cafe menu!!
  39. Mark Zuckerburg (CEO of Facebook) calls himself a “Harvard Graduate” when in fact he didn’t graduate (apparently his reply is that “there isn’t a setting for dropout”)!!
  40. Australian’s spend more time per month on Facebook than any other country at over 7 hours on average!!
  41. A Facebook employee hoodie sold for $4,000 on eBay!!
  42. Facebook was initially bank-rolled by Peter Thiel the co-founder of PayPal for $500,000!!
  43. It is the second biggest website by traffic behind Google (at the moment)!!
  44. Facebook is now valued at approximately $80 billion!!
  45. Facebook makes money through advertising and virtual products!!
  46. Facebook was almost shut down by a lawsuit by ConnectU who claimed that Zuckerburg stole the idea and Technology for Facebook (the issue was settled out of court)!!
  47. The USA has the largest Facebook user base with 155 million people which represents 23.6% of Facebook’s total users!!
  48. There is over 16,000,000 Facebook fan pages!
  49. Texas Hold’em Poker is the most popular Facebook page with over 41 million fans!!
  50. More than 650 million active users!

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तुम ने कुछ पढ़ दिया -Latest Shayri

तुम ने कुछ पढ़ दिया दुआ में क्या??
आज तबियत में कुछ आराम सा है !!

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किस बात से ख़फ़ा हो – Latest Shayri

💕किस बात से ख़फ़ा हो बस इतना बता दो..
वज़ह जानकर, हम खुद को सज़ा देना चाहते हैं.💕

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Thursday, 28 April 2016

हर मर्ज़ का इलाज़ – Latest Shayri

हर मर्ज़ का इलाज़ मिलता था उस बाज़ार में.,
मोहब्बत का नाम लिया, दवाख़ाने बन्द हो गये…!!

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तू ऐसा कर – Latest Shayri

तू ऐसा कर, अपना दर्द मुझे दे-दे…
फिर मैं जानु, दर्द जाने, दुआ जाने, खुदा जाने !!

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Facebook Messenger call to 50 Peoples At a Time

Facebook Messenger group calling lets 50 people chat at the same time

Yeah You read totaly right. Finally aftar a long time facebook bring the awesome feature.

Facebook has been busy bringing futuristic chatbots to Messenger, but this week it’s trying something a little more old-fashioned. The company announced that it’s adding group calls, making it possible to turn a group chat into a phone call with the press of a button.

The feature should be rolling out to everyone with the latest version of the app according to Messenger boss David Marcus. Once it hits, you’ll see a new phone icon show up in the top right corner of group conversations. Tap it to launch the call. You’ll be able to see who’s listening and manage individual participants once the call begins.


Facebook told that the new feature can handle up to 50 people on a call at once. That should be more than enough to handle most group chats.

It’s a smart addition for the times when messaging back and forth just doesn’t cut it. If you’re trying to make plans quickly with a group, it can still be useful to actually talk to each other. Then again, it could also be annoying if your friend keeps trying to start big group phone calls.

For Queries Ping Me – SUCHIT SHARMA

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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

क्योँ रुठ जाता है

क्योँ रुठ जाता है वो बार बार मुझसे,
मुझे तो किसी को मनाना भी नही आता…

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क़सूर उनका नहीं

क़सूर उनका नहीं, जो मुझसे दूरियाँ बना लेते हैं,

रिवाज़ ही है ज़माने में, पढ़ी किताबें ना पढ़ने का..!

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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

हर एक शख्स ने

“हर एक शख्स ने अपने अपने तरीके से इस्तेमाल किया है हमे”
और हम समझते रहे की लोग हमे पसंद करते हैं।।”

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How To View Private Facebook Profiles Viewer Without Being A Friend

How to View Private Facebook Profiles tool or how to view private facebook profiles without being a friend trick are you searching then lets get here some special info maybe help you or it will answer your trick and also private Facebook profiles viewer tool. After share about view Facebook private photo now we ares sharing about this, View any private profile is not easy and facebook also not like to break his privacy security, But there are some bugs still running in this social site.
I’ve generally had a propensity for discovering defects inside evidently secure frameworks. Those kind of exercises got me into a considerable measure of inconvenience in secondary school, and absolutely banned from the secondary school PC lab here and there. Early a year ago I chose to join Facebook, and in doing as such, I took in a captivating truth about this quickly developing informal organization: Facebook profiles are normally private. Making sense of how to view private Facebook profiles turned into a brief interest of mine for a couple of months a year ago.


Is It Possible to View Private Facebook Profiles?

What I realized amid my daily hacking sessions is this – whatever kind of hack you reveal today, Facebook will have it fixed tomorrow. At an early stage, there were diverse routines how to view private Facebook profiles by writing a URL utilizing only the right organization and code, and embeddings the individual’s Facebook ID into the URL. On the other hand, each time one technique lived up to expectations, it just took FB a couple of weeks or less to fix up the hack.
In any case, your reason, whether moral or not – numerous individuals find that they have a need to look into the private universe of somebody’s Facebook profile. Indeed, I’m here to let you know that there’s no simple approach to “hack” into somebody’s profile. Regardless of the fact that there was – it wouldn’t work sufficiently long to be helpful. Be that as it may, there are approaches to working your way into somebody’s private profile, however, it takes a smidgen of tolerance, and a considerable measure of the interesting social building system.

Check This: Use Two Profile Pictures On Facebook

When I understood that it’s basically difficult to look into somebody’s Facebook profile utilizing my programming information, I chose to obtain a part from the brain research class I took First year in school. Social building is basically the utilization of brain research to inspire somebody to agree to your wishes. For this situation, you need the individual to concede you access to see their private FB account. Before you make things excessively confused, the first and most straightforward approach to getting to somebody’s private Facebook profile is to just send them a message and trust they answer.

How To View Private Facebook Profiles Viewer Without Being A Friend

At whatever point you tap on somebody’s photo or name, whether it’s somebody on your companions’ rundown of companions or indexed lists from the FB database of clients, you’ll see that you have three alternatives to the right half of the individual’s bio photograph.
You can either send them a solicitation to include you as a companion, send them a message, or perspective their companions. Clearly the first alternative won’t help you much at this time. In any case, you can utilize the second alternative, “make an impression on,” work your way into the individual’s private FB account.

Must See: How to Increase Likes And Comments

How can it function? Indeed, Facebook’s help segment expresses that any individual who you include as a companion or make an impression on “… will have interim access to view a little parcel of your profile.
They will see Basic Info, Personal Info, Work Info, Education Info and Friends.
Try to Send them a message like “Hey! We went to school together,
do you remember me? I think we sat together in Geometry.”
They may react with something as, “I don’t know who you are, get lost.”
You now have brief access to see their profile.

Final Verdict On How To View Private Facebook Profiles

As we know that showing any private thing on FB is not easy, Because you Know that this social site is providing very higher security, Due to this FB is the one of most popular social site in the world and also in top, You can’t break easily its privacy, But here are some basic which can help you to how to view private facebook profiles without any tools and facebook private profile viewer tracker.

For More: Suchit Sharma Facebook Profile

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वो मेरा दोस्त है

वो मेरा दोस्त है सारे जहाँ को है मालूम

दगा़ करे वो किसी से तो शर्म आए मुझे

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Monday, 25 April 2016

अब ऩ कोई हमे मोहब्बत

अब ऩ कोई हमे मोहब्बत का यकीन दिलाये,

हमें रूह में भी बसा कर निकाला है लोगो ने…

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मैं तुम्हारे ही दम से

मैं तुम्हारे ही दम से ज़िंदा हूँ..

मर ही जाऊँ जो तुमसे फ़ुरसत हो…

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Sunday, 24 April 2016

Setup Multiple Twitter Accounts Using Same Email Address

This one’s a real time saver. When you setup a new account on Twitter it wants you to use an original email address – that is, an email that isn’t in use anywhere on the system. If you work in a business or agency that manages lots of Twitter profiles this can be a real pain. Thankfully, there’s a fairly elegant way around it.

This tip requires you to have a Gmail account as your main email (or, at least access to a Gmail account). Most people don’t know that Gmail supports the use of the ‘+’ character to let you filter your main email. You don’t have to do anything on your Gmail account. All you do is add the ‘+’ and another word after the first part of your email address – the part before the – and you can use this as a “new”, standalone email address around the web. Here’s the sweet part: all emails sent to this “new” email will still go to your main Gmail inbox.

For example, if your email address was, if you use on any website, any email sent to the latter would go to your inbox ( Gmail knows that the part before the plus symbol is your username, but Gmail understands the part after the plus symbol, too.

If you use Gmail you can try this yourself now – fsimply send an email to, where yourusername = your Gmail username.

(You could even use the word whatever if you wanted!)

Now you can go ahead and use for a new Twitter profile, even if is already in use on Twitter. You could also set up Twitter profiles using,,, and so on.

Even better, you can configure Gmail as usual so that it filters and labels these “new” email addresses however you want.

Cool, eh?

Follow Us on Twitter – Suchit Sharma

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बुलाकर तुमने महफ़िल में

बुलाकर तुमने महफ़िल में हमको गैरों से उठवाया..
हमीं खुद उठ गए होते, इशारा कर दिया होता..

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Saturday, 23 April 2016

मुझको दुश्मन के इरादों

मुझको दुश्मन के इरादों पे भी प्यार आता है..
तेरी उल्फ़त ने मोहब्बत मेरी आदत कर दी..

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खुद भी उदास

खुद भी उदास रहता है मुझसे खफा हो कर ,
इस तरह भी वो शख्स मुझे चाहता है !!

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Friday, 22 April 2016

Use Two Different Profile Pictures On Facebook

Yes you can use Two Different Profile Pictures on Facebook, Anxious to know how ? Stay with me and i will show you.

In the Above Picture You will notice that The Profile picture on my timeline and the Profile Picture in my Status are Different. Let us See how it is done.


Step 1: First you have to Open your Timeline and Open your Profile Picture Album by clicking on Photos Tab, Choose a Picture that you want as another Profile Picture.

Step 2: Open that Picture in a New Window By Holding Ctrl and Clicking on it.

Step 3: Now Check the URL of that Picture, you will get something like below URL

All you have to do is Copy the fbid, Here in the above url, my photo fbid is 491366447588908.

Must ReadHow to Increase comments and likes on Facebook

Step 4: Open your Timeline, hover your mouse on your Profile Picture, you will see Edit Profile Picture Option,Click on it and Select Edit Thumbnail.

Step 5: A popup window will appear, now Right Click on your Profile Picture and Choose Inspect Element,

Scroll down till you find <form action=””

Step 6: Now click on the Small arrow to Expand the Code Further.


Scroll down a bit, you will find <input type=”hidden” autocomplete=”off” name=”photo_fbid” value=”491366447588908“>

Now all You need to do is Replace the Current fbid Value with the one you Copied earlier in Step 3, You can do it by Double Clicking on the Current fbid Value and Replace it with the one you Copied earlier which is in my case :491366447588908.

Step 7: Click anywhere , Close Inspect Element Window and Now Click on Save, All Done, Now Check your timeline, update any status and you will see Different Profile Picture.

Step 8: Liked it? Learned Something new ? Then its time to Let your Friends Know about it. Have Fun!!!

Do Subscribe And Follow : Suchit Sharma

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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Specs Price & Release Date

So, Finally Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are launched and now available. Samsung has launched Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge smartphones with both Exynos and Snapdragons variants, 4GB RAM and off course return of microSD card slot. And now the rumours for Galaxy Note 6 are peaking up pace, its going to have all-metal Unibody design and will feature Always-on display as S7. We are also getting leaks for Flexible displays which can be the future of Samsung Galaxy. Here we are going talk in-depth details of Samsung Galaxy Note 6 and Note 6 Edge with expected specifications, price and release date details.

ALSO CHECK:  Iphone SE Specs, Price and Review

As per the latest data, Samsung Galaxy S7 is one of the biggest flagship phone till now in terms of sales. This clearly shows that company has does tremendous job in recent times. The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are the best smartphone devices with premium built in design and powerful hardware. This year as well we are going to see a more powerful Galaxy Note 6 Smartphone. At iGalaxyS7, we are going to talk about next generation mobile phones which are going to change the way you think and use them. They are going to change the way you leave and do things forever.

Talking about Galaxy Note 6, this is just a few weeks and days but rumours of next galaxy note are making appearance over the net. This time, people are expecting a flexible display smartphone which one of the most anticipated feature as from the time of Note 4 but we have not seen it till now. This time, it looks like quite possible as Samsung is rumoured to be testing such kind of displays for next-generation Smartphones.

Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Specs and Features

Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Smartphone is going to have really high-end specifications with new design and more colour variants. Here we are going to talk about most expected and the possible features for Note 6. There may be possibility of changes as we have enough time for the release and we want Samsung Note 6 to be as perfect as possible.

Samsung Note 6: Full Specifications

-> 6-inch flexible display
-> Android Marshmallow
-> 4K Resolution
-> 16-Core processor
-> Snapdragon 823 SoC
-> 6 GB RAM
-> 64 GB / 128 GB Internal Storage
-> Micro SD card support
-> 20 MP Primary camera
-> 4000 mAh Battery

So, these are some initial specifications of upcoming Galaxy Note 6. From these specifications, it looks like the most superior mobile phone at the time. Let’s talk in details of what features and specifications that next Samsung Galaxy Note series will have.

As listed in specs, Galaxy Note 6 is going to be a 6-inch large phablet with 4k display. It will have Always-on SUPER AMOLED display panel and powered by Adreno 530 GPU. Rumours are also appearing that Samsung is preparing a fold-able or may be flexible smartphone for next year but this doesn’t make any sense until Samsung itself make any confirmation.

Galaxy Note 6 Processor:
Samsung is going to join Qualcomm for bringing something out of the box with most powerful performance matrix next year. Samsung Note 6 Series can have both Snapdragon as well as Exynos models as seen with Galaxy S7. It will have Snapdragon 823 which is 2.6 GHz Quad Core processor and support RAM up to 8GB. Qualcomm SD823 is expected to launch soon this year. Galaxy Note 6 is rumoured to have 6GB RAM which means it’s going bring some major upgrades to 820 SoC in terms of performance as well as battery life.

Galaxy Note 6 Camera Specs:
The recently launch Galaxy S7 flagship has arrived with 12 MP primary and 5 MP front camera which is downgraded as we compare it to Note 5 or Galaxy S6. But in actual you will not find any lack in picture quality as the phone has f/1.8 aperture lens with bigger pixels. Now, talking about Note 6 camera specs, Samsung is going to launch it’s best camera phone with Note Flagship. Galaxy Note 6 is going to have 20 MP primary and 8 MP front camera with upgraded sensors.

Storage and Battery:
Earlier this year most of Samsung fans are quite tense with external microSD card and removable battery. As having an option to increase your phone ability will always helps us to make more from a device. This year Samsung has realised these issues and now we have external micro SD card support for Galaxy S7. Talking about Samsung Note 6 storage, it will come with 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB storage options and will support external micro SD card.

Talking about battery specs of upcoming Galaxy Note 6, it will have a 4000 mAh power non-removable battery with a Quick Charging 3.0.

Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Price

We all know that price doesn’t matter a lot for this kind of device as having such a high performing mobile phone is not an easy. The NEXT GALAXY NOTE 6 Smartphone is going to cost you a bit more as compared to recently launched Galaxy S7 and Note 5. The price of Note 6 will be around 750 to 800 USD.

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Monday, 18 April 2016

Review: Apple iPhone SE

An Introduction

There’s a part of me that doesn’t understand why Apple gets the amount of interest it does with something like the iPhone SE. It’s a phone that’s in an identical chassis to the one released three years ago, and beyond a new color it’s impossible to know which model is which. It’s the iPhone ‘Special Edition’.

Then I look around the train carriage on the way to work and count the amount of iPhone 5S and 5 devices that are being prodded quietly all around. The number is staggering, and it easily dwarfs the amount of iPhone 6 or 6S handsets on show.

Has Apple been smart here? Looked at the way people are using phones and realised there’s a massive market for a certain form factor – one that’s not only not being serviced in the iWorld, but in the smartphone arena in general?

Unless you take a lot of selfies or need a bigger phone, Apple’s new 4-inch iPhone SE is a good choice at a good price.
You get the same 12-megapixel rear camera that’s in the much larger iPhone 6S but for $250 less, at about $400. You also get the same speeds and graphics capabilities.
Of course, you don’t get everything. The SE isn’t going to be right for everyone, especially power users. Now that Apple has started taking orders, with shipments due in a week, keep these differences in mind.

Most noticeable is the front camera. The SE has an older 1.2-megapixel camera, not the 5 megapixels one in the 6S. But with software improvements, selfies taken with the SE came out better compared with the iPhone 5S it replaced. In addition, the SE’s screen turns into a front camera flash. That’s more important than megapixels in darker settings.

Though you get the same rear camera as the 6S, you don’t get an image-stabilizing feature found in the jumbo iPhone 6S Plus. This won’t matter to most people, though. I typically have to blow up shots and look real closely for differences. You get the same options for panorama shots, slow motion and high-resolution “4K” video in all three phones.
The SE lacks a barometer, which means fitness apps won’t record stairs climbed. The SE also lacks 3D Touch, in which you can press on an icon hard and harder for shortcuts and other options. Including it would have made the phone thicker. You can still perform the same tasks, but might need an extra tap or two.

Apple iPhone SE review: Small but not weak
Apple iPhone SE stands for ‘Special Edition’, confirms Phil Schiller
Apple iPhone SE first impression: iPhone 5S gets the innards of iPhone 6s
Apple iPad Pro, the most powerful 9.7-inch iPad ever announced at Rs 49,900
iPhone SE India launch on April 8: Everything you need to know about this 4-inch Apple smartphone.
The SE doesn’t support “LTE Advanced” cellular technology, which can be twice as fast as regular LTE. The iPhone 6 doesn’t either, and frankly, I didn’t even notice when I got the 6S. There’s one SE model for Sprint and another for AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon. China has its own model though both U.S. versions should still work there and elsewhere abroad, data will just potentially be slower without LTE Advanced.
The SE doesn’t come in a version with 128 gigabytes of storage – just 16 GB for starters and 64 GB for $100 more. Many high-power users will probably want a bigger screen anyway, but if that’s not the case, splurge for 64 GB. Your phone will fill up quickly – especially as still images now come with three-second videos by default, doubling storage requirements.
Promised battery life for video and Web surfing is 13 hours – a few hours better than the 6S. It helps that there’s less screen to light up.

Do Subscribe For More. 🙂

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Sunday, 17 April 2016

आज बहुत सोंच कर – Latest Shayri

आज बहुत सोंच कर दिल से एक सवाल किया,
ऐसा क्या है मुझमे जो लोग मुझसे वफ़ा नही करते

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दिल से बाहर – Latest Shayri

“दिल से बाहर निकलने का रास्ता तक न ढूंढ सके वो…
दावा करते थे जो मेरी रग-रग से वाकिफ होने का।”

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वो मेरा होकर – Latest shayri

“वो मेरा होकर भी जुदा सा रहा,
क्या कोई मुझसा भी जीतकर हरा होगा.”

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जख्म दे कर – Latest Shayri

जख्म दे कर ना पूछा करो, दर्द की शिद्दत,
दर्द तो दर्द होता है, थोड़ा क्या, ज्यादा क्या !!

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दिल के विरानो में – Latest Shayri

दिल के विरानो में गड़े हुए ताबूतों को ना खोल..
लफ्ज़ जी उठे तो तुम खौफ से मर जाओगे..

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वक़्त पर – Latest Shayri

वक़्त पर न जा वक़्त तो हर जख्म की दवा है,
आज तुमने हमे भुला दिया कल तुम्हे कोई भुला देगा!

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बदले में मिल – Latest Shayri

बदले में मिल रही थी ज़माने की हर ख़ुशी,
हमने ही तेरी याद का सौदा नही किया।

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दिल पूछता है – Latest Shayri

दिल पूछता है सवाल बार बार मुझसे..
जो जी रहे हो क्या यही ज़िंदगी है..?

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घुटन सी होने लगी – Latest Shayri

घुटन सी होने लगी है, इश्क़ जताते हुए,
मैं खुद से रूठ गया हूँ, तुम्हे मनाते हुए..

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पत्थर की मूरत – Latest Shayri

पत्थर की मूरत को दिया जलाने की जरूरत नही साहिब,
किसी का दिल जल रहा है गर ये याद रहे तो समझो पूजा हो गयी!

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Thursday, 14 April 2016

Startup CREO launches its first smartphone ‘Mark 1’

CREO, a Bangalore based consumer technology startup, has unveiled its first smartphone for the Indian market, the CREO Mark 1. Launched under ‘Make in India’ initiative, the smartphone entirely manufactured inside the country, comes with all luxurious specs, but the company touts its indigenously-made operating system based on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop as the prime feature.

The Mark 1 runs Fuel OS that come with features like Sense, a universal search engine that can find anything on the phone and can be evoked by a double tap on the home button, Echo, which is a voicemail service of sorts that can work with any carrier, Retriever, which sends an email to you if another SIM is inserted in your device, smart forwarding to forward calls from one SIM to another one it is unreachable, notification manager, and segregated SMS inbox for messages from people and businesses, with quick reply and copy OTP functions.

cero 1


Creo Mark 1: Promises Feature Updates On Monthly Basis

What makes the phone special is that the company will push out updates to the phone every month that will add functionality to it according to Sai Srinivas, CEO and co-founder of CREO. And the updates will be the first-of-its-kind, community inclusive update system that stems from feedback and suggestions from users and you will be informed of all the changes before you install the update.


The Mark 1 has a 5.5-inch QHD display and it is protected Gorilla Glass 3 on the front and back and a metal frame in Gunmetal Black. Powering the phone is the 1.95GHz octa-core MediaTek Helio X10 with 3GB RAM and 32GB of storage with microSD expansion slot. The phone also packs a 21 megapixel Sony IMX230 sensor on the back with PDAF, 4K video and 120fps slow-motion capture. On the front is an 8 megapixel shooter with features such as 3D Photos, Live Photo mode, and Beautify.

As for connectivity, the Creo Mark 1 offers 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and GPS options. The smartphone is powered by a 3100mAh battery.

CREO is starting with 106 service centers in 96 cities which will be increased to 300 centers in 150 cities in near future. The CREO Mark 1 will be available on the company’s website and Flipkart for INR 19,999 ($300).

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Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook

Check Out My Facebook Profile

Today I am sharing about Likes and comments both. We recently shared a guide on how to get more comments on Facebook photos, status updates and also sharing on how to get more Facebook likes quickly and today we are going to talk about how you can get both more comments and likes etc.
These days it is really necessary for the people to post the their favorite or anything or for bloggers blogging content on fb helps to attract more visitors and bloggers to your blog and helps in making your post go viral on social media.

How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook

For this you need to post on regular basis and it is also important for the users to encourage and forces people on  Facebook to start commenting on fb posts. Fb has some kind of algorithm to show your post to more people on fb if you are communicating or keeping engaged with others. Here are some proven and best methods that you can use in order to increase Facebook likes and comments on posts.  So let’s get started to this guide and start learning increasing fb thumbs up and increasing fb comments quickly.

Ask questions:-

It is one of the best and proven method that can help users to increase comments on your fb updates or posts easily. When you ask some kind of question related to trending topic as status update or fb post then most of the people will surely be going to respond to your question or the thing which you asked from them, this will also help other people communicate and keep engaged with you through commenting.

Like other people comments and posts:-

Another good thing is to like comment by other people to get more reply and likes easily. By doing this it means you are reading their posts or keeping in touch with them and their comment worth’s something that’s why you liked. It is one of the best method which is used by most of Facebook page owners to increase likes for their Facebook pages.

Use visual to express For Increase Comments and Likes:-

You might have heard that a pictures says all thing or picture worth’s 1000 words. So sharing some kind of graphic or visual which is about trending or useful topic helps users to keep in touch with you through comments and Facebook thumb. Also if you are having page and sharing visual that are attractive it will not only help you in getting more thumb but also help in getting more fans for that particular page in short period of time.

Using Hash tag for maximum likes and comments:-

Facebook recently added a new feature of hash tag which helps users to find about which type of stuff is currently trending or shared by other people on the Facebook. Most of the users on fb love to find different stuff of similar hash tag used by thousands of other people. S it’s another good idea to take advantage of hash tag for maximum  impression on your fb  posts or fan page. So this was all about how to increase on fb. If you have any queries regards this article, feel free to ask us.

Reply Your Update comments for Get more Likes and Comments:-

For make best relation with your fans, You must always trying to reply your fans question, also give them thanks which are giving some best ideas, So always make relation by comment reply and reply their massages,  So this was all about how to increase comments and thumb on Facebook. If you have any queries regards this article, feel free to ask in comments section.

Final Verdict about How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook:-

I hope you like and enjoyed this guide about How to Increase comments and likes on Facebook and found it useful for you. If you have any questions or suggestions regards this guide, feel free to ask in comments section. If you have any question or you know any new method, which can help to our fans in increase comments and likes on Facebook status updates and photo and videos updates, Then just comment below and help us.

Check Out Our Facebook Page For Updates

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One Liner WhatsApp Status In Hindi

मैं संभलने लगा जब..वह हद से गिरने लगी…

छोटे छोटे कदम मीलों का सफर तय कर सकते हैं। छोटी छोटी बातें भी किसी के जीवन के दुखों को खुशियों में बदल सकती हैं।

ज़िन्दगी की हकीकत को बस इतना ही जाना है !दर्द में अकेले हैं और खुशियों में सारा जमाना है…!

उन्होंने जाते जाते बड़े गुरुर से कहाँ..चल जा तुझ जैसे बहुत मिलेंगे..हमने भी हंस के पूछा मुझ जैसा ही क्यू चाहिए !!

जहाँ “अहंकार” होता है,वहाँ “ज्ञान” लुप्त हो जाता है।

याद में नशा करता हूँ…. और नशे में याद करता हूँ….।।

॥ यकीन और दुआ नजर नही आते मगर, नामुमकिन को मुमकिन बना देते है॥

हम जैसे सिरफिरे ही इतिहास रचते हैं !समझदार तो केवल इतिहास पढ़ते हैं !!

है दफ़न मुझमे कितनी रौनके मत पूछ ऐ दोस्त…..हर बार उजड़ के भी बस्ता रहा वो शहर हूँ मैं!!

बदनाम क्यों करते हो तुम इश्क़ को , ए दुनिया वालो…मेहबूब तुम्हारा बेवफा है ,तो इश्क़ का क्या कसूर..!! :(

करेगा ज़माना भी हमारी कदर एक दिन , बस ये वफादारी की आदत छूट जाने दो

हम जैसे सिरफिरे ही इतिहास रचते हैं !समझदार तो केवल इतिहास पढ़ते हैं !!

कैसे कह दूं की महंगाई बहुत है। मेरे शहर के चौराहे पर आज भी एक रूपये मे कई दुआएँ मिलती है।।

इतना भी मत घुमा ऐ जिन्दगी मै शहर का शायर हु कोई MRF का टायर नही

अपने वजूद पर इतना न इतरा ए ज़िन्दगी…! वो तो मौत है जो तुझे मोहलत देती जा रही है…!!

मंजिल चाहे कितनी भी उंची क्यो ना हो दोस्तो..!! रास्ते हमेशा पेरो के नीचे होते हे..!! ✌️

हज़ार बार ली है तुमने तलाशी मेरे दिल की, बताओ कभी कुछ मिला है इसमें प्यार के सिवा..।

तुम अपने ज़ुल्म की इन्तेहाँ कर दो, फिर कोई हम सा बेजुबां मिले ना मिले…

भूख रिश्तों को भी लगती है.. प्यार परोस कर तो देखिये..!

खूबसूरती से धोका, न खाइये जनाब, तलवार कितनी भी खूबसूरत क्यों न हो. मांगती तो खून ही है….!!

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Attitude WhatsApp Status In Hindi

ज़िंदगी ❤ में बहुत्त कष्ट 😞है, फिर भी हम 👬 मस्त है !!😎

अब डर लगता है मुझे उन लोगो से…जो कहते है, “मेरा यक़ीन तो करो”!

लोग फ्री का wi -fi नहीं छोड़ते और पगली तूने इतना प्यार करने वाला लड़का छोड़ दिया..

दीदार की तलब हो तो नजरें जमाये रखना .. क्यों कि ‘नकाब’ हो या ‘नसीब’ सरकता जरूर है…

खवाहिश नही मुझे मशहुर होने की … आप मुझे पहचानते हो बस इतना ही काफी है…

रुकावटे तो ज़िन्दा इन्सान के लिए हैं…..मय्यत के लिए तो सब रास्ता छोड़ देते है…

इंसान सिर्फ आग से नहीं जलता, कुछ लोग तो हमारे अंदाज से जल जाते है

तुझे तो मोहब्बत भी तेरी औकात से ज्यादा की थी… अब तो नफरत की बात है सोच ले तेरा क्या होगा…

उन्होंने तो हमें धक्का दिया था डुबाने के इरादे से… अंजाम ये निकला हम तैराक बन गए।

दाद देते है तुम्हारे ‘नजर-अंदाज’ करने के हुनर को.!! जिसने भी सिखाया वो उस्ताद कमाल का होगा..!!

मेरे खून में दाैडती हैं, जीत….

अजीब किस्सा है जिन्दगी का,अजनबी हाल पूछ रहे हैं…. और अपनो को खबर तक नहीं।

मुझसे नफरत करनी है तो इरादे मजबूत रखना…. जरा से भी चूके तो महोब्बत हो जायेगी…

हम दुश्मनों को भी बड़ी शानदार सज़ा देते हैं… हाथ नहीं उठाते बस नज़रों से गिरा देते हैं…

अक्कल बादाम खाने से नही…ठोकर खाने से आती है।

dp छोड़, स्टेटस छोड़, लास्ट सीन देख़ छुट्टी पर जा रहा हूँ…. दिल टूटा है सम्भलने में कुछ वक़्त तो लगेगा…

इतना भी attitude मत दिखा पगले … जैसे रोज़ स्टेटस चेंज करती हूँ ना किसी दिन तुझे भी change कर दूँगी

Oye तू तेरे ATTITUDE की फोटो खींच कर OLX पे बेच दे, क्योंकि पुरानी चीज हमें पसंद नहीं…

छोड दिया है मैंने उनसे बात करना जो समझते थे कि मै मतलब से मिलता हूँ

दर्द की भी अपनी एक अदा है.. ये तो सहने वालों पर ही फ़िदा है।

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Funny WhatsApp Status In Hindi

लडकी – “जो आदमी रोज शराब पीता है उससे मेरी कोई हमदर्दी नहीं है”
लडका – “जिस आदमी को रोज शराब मील जाये उसे तेरी हमदर्दी की जरुरत नहीं है”


ऐसे समय में जी रहे है जहाँ लोग 10 मिनट की मुलाकात में शादी फिक्स कर देते है लेकिन 1-1 घंटे के पांच इंटरव्यू लेने के बाद भी नौकरी नहीं देते।


बढ़ती हुई मंहगाई और घटती हुई कमाई को देखकर,‪आधार‬ कार्ड नहीं,बल्कि… उधार‬ कार्ड की जरुरत महसूस हो रही है।‬


‎जिँदगी‬ 💖 रही तो साथ 👬‪ ‎निभाउंगा‬ दोस्तो 👬…‎अगर‬👆 भूल गया…तो ‪‎समझ‬ 👆लेना शादी 👪 हो गई 😂😜😝😝‬‬


जब‬ दुसरो 👤को ‪ट्रेन‬ 🚂में बैठाने जाओ तो पूरा डब्बा ही ‪हसीनाओ‬ 👩 से भरा रहता है … ‪साला‬ 😭जिस दिन खुद👨 ‪बैठने‬🚊 जाओ सब 60+ वाले ‪‎खुसड़‬ 👳भरे मिलते है….. 😭😭😝😝😜‬‬‬‬‬


काला धन और माल्या को लाने के लिये एयरटेल 4G गर्ल को भेजो …जो लड़की पहाड़ गुफ़ा में 4G नेटवर्क ला सकती है, वो कुछ भी ला सकती है !


इंग्लैंड की टीम अभी वैसा ही फील कर रही होगी..जैसा उनके पूर्वजों ने 200 साल राज के बाद 1947 में फील किया होगा..!

जब जब इस धरती पर नारी का अपमान हुआ है तब तब बुरा हुआ है..और बना लो अनुष्का पर चुटकुले…हाय लगी है भाभी की । 😛


एक तो लड़कियाँ वैसे ही नहीं पटती.. ऊपर से ये सावधान इंडिया वाले ऐसे दिखाते है जैसे हम पैदा ही अपराध करने के लिए होते हैं !


बीवी को समझाना मतलब: 32 GB का Video Download करना और 31.5 GB Download होने के बाद में Error दिखाना 😛😛😛😛


एक डायलॉग बचपन से सुनते आ रहे हैं… “अपने आप को पुलिस के हवाले कर दो”, ये पहली बार सुन रहे हैं… “पुलिस को मेरे हवाले कर दो!” केजरीवाल


ना वक्त इतना हैं कि सिलेबस पूरा किया जाए, ना तरकीब कोई की एग्जाम पास किया जाए, ना जाने कौन सा दर्द दिया है इस पढ़ाई ने ना रोया जाय और ना सोया जाए.


पृथ्वी के चक्कर लगाने वाले नए उपग्रह का नाम ……. नरेंद्र मोदी।


एक चिड़ा था…एक चिड़ी थी….. दोनों की शादी हो गयी और…वो चिड़चिड़े हो गए।


ससुर : अरे दामाद जी अचानक कैसे आना हुआ वो भी परिवार के साथ ….दामाद : वो सोचा आजकल सब अपना पुरस्कार लौटा रहे है तो में भी……


पेट में गड़बड़ थी , मैंने पत्नी से कहा…… तो कहने लगी आजवाइन ले लो ….. क्या करूँ…… ? आज वाइन ले लूँ ?


जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने कहा है : ” आलस्य मनुष्य का सबसे बड़ा शत्रु है। ”
महात्मा गाँधी ने कहा है : अपने शत्रु से प्रेम करो। ”
अब बड़ा कन्फयूसन है किसकी सुने …. बापू की या चाचू की..


जापान में 5 G की टेस्टिंग शुरू हो चुकी है और यहां अपने इंडिया में लोग Whatsapp पर 11 लोगों को ” जय बजरंगबली ” भेज कर फ्री बैलेंस की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं।


पति – आजकल तुम न ciggrate पीने से हो रोकती ना शराब पीने से। …. क्या सब शिकायतें ख़त्म ?
पत्नी : नहीं … LIC वाला परसो ही सब फायदे बता कर गया है.


हमने सोचा था की हर मोड़ पर याद करेंगे तुझे पर कमबख़त पूरी सड़क ही सीधी निकली कोई मोड़ ही नहीं आया।


लोग कुछ दिन शराब और सिगरेट पीते हैं और आदत हो जाती है…हमें देखो बचपन से पड़ रहे हैं लेकिन आज तक आद्त नहीं पड़ी…

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